Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Three Cow Poems by Alice Schertle.

How Now, Brown Cow?

How’s it going?
Just stopped by –
Heard you lowing…
Lovely view.
Lovely weather.

Good to have
this moo

The Cow

You come across her standing there
as common as a box. As square.
Her lower jaw revolves the cud;
Her hooves stand foursquare in the mud.
Come closer. View with mild surprise
The gentle softness of her eyes.

Consider Cow

Consider cow
which rhymes
with bough
but not
with rough.
That’s clear

Remember moo
will rhyme
with through
but not
with trough
or though
or tough.

You’ve got
it now:
There’s dough
and bough
and cough
and through
and mough…
er, moo.

Thanks to Sidonie for making Charlotte perform these.

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